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Water Preserver 3 Star Reviews with Team Comments!
23 of 108 "3 Star Reviews" have a comment.
Should be good product, but expires 10months after purchase
The product was ordered in February 2021 and expires/Must be used before December 2021. Not a big window for an emergency water storage item.
Bad taste Possibly my own fault
Has a clorine-ish taste, to be fair it could have been my fault
Have not used product yet, but it came with the seal intact, but leaking a bit. The pamphlet of instructions was not in a sealed cover so it was wet and useless. It also smells like bleach. It may be fine and a good product, but this initial introduction was less than satisfactory.
Broken lid
Bought two of these. The first one I opened had a broken lid and it looked as if some liquid seeped out, it was still in the package with the plastic around the lid and the plastic was fine and not broken so I guess it was broken straight from the factory? Unable to return as well to get a replacement.
Second one was fine though.
A little expensive but removes the guess work on dosage.
No expiration date?
I bought the concentrate and used it. The directions mention expiration date on bottom of container. THERE WAS A LOCATION NUMBER but not an expiration date.

However I will let you know in 5 years if it worked and I lived.
Debatable Product
The only real difference between this product and regular bleach is the container. If you look at the active ingredients, you'll see they are identical. So, my advice is buy one or two of these and then refill them from a bleach bottle that costs maybe $2 or so.
This is the same ingredients as reg bleach
Boy do I feel stupid. I just paid $13 for less than an ounce of bleach. 5.25% sodium hypochlorite.
what is there to say.
what is there to say. I used it for our emergency water and hope I never have to find out if it did the job
Buyer Beware
It's just bleach you can get at the store>Buyer Beware
Fine for basic water storage, but you'll need to do it right to get 5 years out of it.
Although I have used this product in a pinch for <5yr water storage, these sodium hypochlorite (yes, common household bleach, as described by other reviewers) preservers could only be good for (maybe) 5 years if you do everything perfectly. So I'll describe the everything perfectly part first & go from there:
1) Start with a new/unused plastic drum (BPA free) intended for water storage- most will be blue in color, but do not use a clear drum.
2) Sanitize it (it may be new, but you don't know how clean) by mixing any household bleach (like Clorox) in 5 gallons of water (1 tablespoon to 5 gallons) to be used as the sanitizer/cleanser. Mix it around and dump it into your 55 gallon drum (or 30 gallon), then put the caps securely back on the drum & slosh it around good for several minutes (all over- top to bottom). Then take the caps back off & dump that water out (not on plants or around kids- it's not deadly, but harmful). After dumping the cleansing solution out in a safe area, keep the drum on it's side & use a spray nozzle to let clean water wash down the interior of the drum- do this thoroughly for about 30 seconds- 1 minute. Dump out any of that tap water & try to get as much out as possible. If you're really detail oriented, put a clean rag around the openings with a rubber band around them to keep in place while the inside dries completely- this will act as a filter to keep insects or larger airborn particles out, and once it's completely dry inside, it'll leave less of a tap water taste in your storage water- now it'll just taste like clean plastic :-).
3) Tap water will work, but If you have filtered water available, use it to fill the barrel every day (as often as possible) until the barrel is completely full- the less space for air inside, the better. At this point, one threaded cap should already be tight & the other will be used as the fill hole. That fill hole should be kept snug in between fillings. If you get this done in less than 2 weeks, you can add your liquid concentrate preservative, put the fill cap back on tightly & then store it in the coolest place with the least amount of direct sunlight. Remember that direct sunlight can raise temps even in cooler spots, so sunlight should be avoided at all costs! One of the reasons for a non see-through barrel is that direct sunlight breaks down ANY form of chlorine much faster.

If you're using this product, then the method described above could get you to 5 years of storage. But keep in mind that it is also really a good idea to have a dedicated emergency water filter that will at least filter out chlorine- that way, you could always re-sanitize your stored water in an emergency (which is a good idea) with fresh chlorine bleach & filter it back out before drinking. That insurance policy can save a lot of problems.

Now for the chlorine myths running around:
Stabilizers in chlorine products almost always refer to a sunblock type of chemical like cyanuric acid. In a pool, products like Dichlor and Trichlor have CYA in them to act as a sunblock for the chlorine so the sun doesn't suck all of the chlorine out of the pool so quickly in summer months, and while I'm not saying that this water preserver product has CYA in it, the second ingredient after sodium hypo is doing something, so you should be aware of that. I'm not saying it is necessarily harmful, but it's not identified & how else can claims beyond 5 years be achieved?

If you're a studied do-it-yourselfer, I'd suggest looking in to calcium hypochlorite granules to keep around in a very small quantity. They don't go bad near as quickly as sodium hypo (which could matter if you set up a disaster storage stash, but neglect to change out the products every few years), and a little goes a long way. But do a thorough job of studying before going this route, because it's more potent, so the ratios need to be respected.

Guidelines when you need to re-sanitize stored/household water with Sodium Hypochlorite (household bleach):
1) Clear water is a sign of pure water. Always drain long-standing pipes for 30 seconds to one minute before drinking! (Cheap remote motels?)

2) 1 Gallon water is disinfected by 8-16 drops of regular household bleach (visually about 1/4 of a teaspoon) - double that for cloudy water. Shake and let stand 30 minutes. One teaspoon will disinfect 5 gallons. Immediately after treating, water must initially have a slight smell of chlorine. If it does not - repeat the process.

3) Household bleach is relatively harmless. The smell or ?waft? of chlorine is not bad: it indicates that water is treated and germ free. Once treated and disinfected, the chlorine smell will go away in a few days.

4) Regularly used water from large tanks may be treated once or twice a month with 1 Oz. bleach per 200 gallons or 5 Oz. bleach per 1000 gallons.

5) Long-standing water in tanks will be disinfected w/ 1 pint household bleach per 1000 gallons. (2500 gal tanks are fine with 3 pints.)

6) Bleach effectively kills bacteria and viruses, stops smells and then breaks down. It's effective germ killing alkaline property is completely neutralized very quickly. It does not stay chemically active in tanks for more than a few days. Most germs require sunlight to grow. Store water in the dark.

7) If water is relatively clear: but has a noticeable smell of chlorine: it is drinkable, disinfected, and harmless. Humans need 2 quarts per day.
Three Stars
Difficult to evaluate this product. It will be interesting to see the results after two or three years.
Three Stars
Very little shelve life. You can not store this bottle for long as compared to tablets.
Expires in a few months.
It's exactly what I needed. Three stars because it will expire this year. I would've expected to get a product that lasts a little longer before I had to use it
good for Disaster or bad storm
only less one year expire... wish it was few years expire date instead of less a year.. it says 10/16 expiration date.. good for disaster weather or storm or else.. just fill up my two 3.5 gal water brick with water preserve .. it will last 5 years in cool room temp.. like basement but i don't have basement just place in guest bedroom..
Papadoc58's comment of using half a cup of 5. ...
Papadoc58's comment of using half a cup of 5.25% bleach will result in over concentration of 22 ppm (parts per million) chlorine. Drinking water should only have 3 to 4 ppm chlorine. Clorox recommends 30 drops of their new concentrated bleach per 5 gal of water. That would be equivalent to 16.5 ml per 55 gal of water. (Do not use splash-less or scented bleach.)
Three Stars
Unknown as to how the water tastes. I'll let you know is 5 years
Three Stars
Too spendy at $11 save yourself money and can use chlorine bleach with out fragrance or sulfates
Time will tell ! Didn't change the taste!
No noticeable taste, just added it so time will tell.
It will be great IF it works as i have NOT had five ...
It will be great IF it works as i have NOT had five years to ascertain the claim but NOTE, NOTE, NOTE: the additive ITSELF has a SHELF LIFE in my case a bit < year SO YOU CANNOT JUST STOCK UP AND WAIT for the NEED for they could expire
NOW THE BIG QUESTION: is it a marketing ploy or does it "really" out date?? only your local chemist will know
I bought it, but, learned a valuable lesson later...
Sure it works; does what it says it does, but following a little research I have determined this is the same chemical already in most households (bleach). I looked up on the Internet how much bleach to mix with the water (and called the local poison control center to ask for their advice) and now have a much cheaper, yet identical solution for my long term water storage needs.
its bleach
15 dollar bleach, works fine but i wish ive done more research. this now sits next to my 1 gallon clorox jug so i can refill it when it runs out.
Water Preserver
Someone has taken advantage of the public selling chlorine bleach for over ten dollars.
A cup of Clorox would be just as effective.
Water Preserver 3 Star Reviews with Team Comments!
23 of 108 "3 Star Reviews" have a comment.
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